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For more information about this, check out the blog and read my 'signs she's ready for a date' section. A general guideline though would be to ask for the date sooner rather than later. Text conversations that run on and on will leave her wondering what your game plan is and kill the excitement of the interaction..In particular, I'm going to give you cute ways to ask a girl out over text. For Example Girl "Hey! you can use it to your advantage and get her to say yes when you propose a plan and ask her out on a date Insert Evil Laugh It's actually very simple here's here's an example .How to Ask a Girl Out Over Text. You're given the right moment to ask her out, and if you don't seize it, the opportunity may not present itself again. Let's discuss how you can get it right the first time. Not only will you get her out on an exciting first date, but you'll also have her nervous to see you..
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Hey Ravi, to be honest it sounds like this girl is taken. I don't advise any one go after a girl who has a boyfriend husband. There are way too many women out there who are single and want to be with you!.
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