Okay so i met this girl at camp and were going to hang out this weekend at my cousins house where we usually drink and occasionally smoke. How do i ask her if she drinks smokes with out scaring her into not coming thinking im a pothead or alcoholic..Asking a girl out for a drink is supposed to be fun and flirty, but no one says it's always easy. If you approach a girl with fear and trepidation over such a little question, she's most likely to say no. Not many chicks want to hang out with a guy who looks like he's about to have a heart.."Do you drink alcohol?" If she gets offended, she shouldn't by the way, it's a regular question , leave and move on! Stay cool, brother..The less time elapses between the moment you realize you'd like to ask a girl out, and the moment you start your feet moving to go over to talk to her and ask her out, the higher the likelihood is that both A you ask her out at all, ever, and B she says "yes." At your place cooking dinner, having drinks, "hanging out," watching a movie .
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Go Ask Alice Wikipedia
Go Ask Alice is a fiction book about a teenage girl who develops a drug habit at age and runs away from home on a journey of self destructive escapism. Attributed to "Anonymous", the book is in diary form, and was originally presented as being the edited .
Ask Definition Of Ask By The Free Dictionary
Ask sk v. asked, ask ing, asks v. tr. . To put a question to When we realized that we didn't know the answer, we asked the teacher. . To seek an answer to ask a question. . To seek information about asked directions. . a. To make a request of asked me for a loan. b. To make a request for. Often used with an infinitive or clause ask a favor .
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