Personally I have met a girl, gotten her phone number right there after meeting her, and have asked her out in the next sentence, on another time, we talked on the phone for a few weeks before I asked her out and, same result.. If you tend to date around a lot, then a girl might get turned off for you being a player. Girls tend to go out with guys that can be trustworthy and can keep a relationship. The worst thing for a girl is when a guy asks her out .Asking someone out on a date should be seen as time of a focused "get to know you". A time of learning more about someone, and sharing more about yourself. With that in mind, here are three things to consider with regard to how soon is too soon to ask someone out . Define "soon"..I can't say, "You should ask her out when she's typed exactly characters and three emojis, and then you will get laid immediately." You need to use your big brain here and pay attention..
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